For this video, I talk about 12 common mistakes that bird owners make! No one’s perfect and I’ve made a few of these mistakes myself! Parrot ownership isn’t easy and we’re bound to make some of these common mistakes.

🐥My little chickens🐥
💛 Pineapple 💛: pineapple green cheek conure
💙 Pumpkin 💙: turquoise green cheek conure

My Amazon Page: https://www.amazon.com/shop/flyingfids
(I earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you! Any money earned goes to getting Pinny and Pumpkin new toys and food!)

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Thanks so much for watching! ❤️

Won, Pineapple, and Pumpkin!

#parrotownership #parrots #parrotowner

22 gedachten over “12 COMMON MISTAKES THAT BIRD OWNERS MAKE | Parrot Ownership”

  1. so, I made the silly mistake of telling my bird off by hitting him when he did something like bite me (reason was mostly biting that I didn't understand). I've been doing this for around a year and have stopped around a month or 2 ago. I think we're currently at the point where he will still attack my hands almost any time they get to close to his liking, but he doesn't mind seeing the rest of me. He will always come for food from my hand and loves his cuddles, preferred through cage bars. I'm trying to figure out more ways to interact w/my bird while not scaring him. The big problem is really that he doesn't like leaving our room and I don't know how to introduce him to new items. Any tips or suggestions are appreciated.

  2. One thing that makes me happy about how I take care of my bird is the fact that their cage is only for food and going outside the house and even if it’s food time they don’t even go inside the cage and eat from a bowl on top of the cage
    The only thing I need to do is to train them more, get them more toys, getting both my boys mates and try to get them to forge

  3. My male conure doesn't know how to mate he just rubs the side of the female instead of going on top do you know you do show him the right way?

  4. just got 2 love birds and i wanna ask if is it okay to keep them in a small cage? i did order a big standing cage for them but it will arrive after 3 days🥹

  5. My lovebird (i bought it 2 days ago and dont know the gender yet cuz it isnt an adult!) Isnt going on any of the perches. And now im worried cuz rio hasnt ate for 2 days…please help i tried to put food next to rio but it ate a bit..

  6. Luvkily we give to our parakeet a healthy diet with vegetables, fruits and also seeds. Tho it's hard to make him obey certain things and my parents get angry bcs he poops everywhere. I tell them that it's normal on an animal but I keep thinking that i could do something about it. This video is kind of old so i guess you won't answer, but thanks for all the advice !!

  7. پرنده ها در طبیعت غذا پیدا نمیکنن چوب درخت ها رو میخورند و نباید چوب بهشون بدید که بخورند درواقع میتونید سیب با چوبش بدید تا چوب سیبو بخورند

  8. This is so helpful! I’m probably getting a budgie soon and I’m so glad I know this stuff, I would have done nearly all these things wrong if it weren’t for these vids 🙂

  9. One mistake is owners make is not realizing which foods are harmfull to Parrots. Avocados, onions, dairy should be avoided. You may think you are bonding by letting your bird nibble on your avocado toast, but that is a death sentence to the poor animal.

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